viernes, noviembre 5

más preguntas

we're passing through time and space. our ears are in excellent condition.

a sound is high or low, soft or loud, of a certain timbre, lasts a certain length of time, and has an envelope.

is it high?
is it low?
is it in the middle?
is it soft?
is it loud?
are there two?
are there more than two?
is it a piano?
why isn't it?
was it an airplane?
is it a noise?
is it music?
is it softer than before?
is it supersonic?
when will it stop?
what's coming?
is it time?
is it very short?
very long?
just medium?
if i had something to see, would it be theatre?
is sound enough?
what more do i need?
don't i get it whether i need it or not?
is it a sound?
then, again, is it music?
is music --the word, i mean-- is that a sound?
if it is, is music music?
is the word "music" music?
does it communicate anything?
must it?
if it's high, does it?
if it's low, does it?
if it's in the middle, does it?
if it's soft, does it?
if it's loud, does it?
if it's an interval, does it?
what is an interval?
is an interval a chord?
is a chord an aggregate?
is an aggregate a constellation?
what's a constellation?
how many sounds are there altogether?
one million?
ten thousand?
do i have to ask ten more?
do i?
why do i?
did i decide to ask so many?
wasn't i taking a risk?
was i?
why was i?
will it never stop?
why won't it?

otro fragmento de la conferencia impartida por john cage en la rutgers university, nueva jersey, en 1958 (tomado de john cage, "silence", wesleyan university press, 1961)

2 huellas

se dice que en esta fecha y hora: 11/11/04 2:14 a.m., Blogger Vanessa Alanís pisó la duna

cuando empecé a leer dije "chale a poco los bosquimanos ya saben hablar inglés tan chido" jajajaja

se dice que en esta fecha y hora: 12/11/04 11:07 a.m., Blogger bosquimano pisó la duna

sabemos inglés.

batboy: hijo de batman.
catsup: sopa de gato con que se acompañan los perros calientes.
homerun: raudo retorno al hogar.


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