martes, julio 8

seres vivos

no me leerás aquí, mucho menos allá,
quizá tampoco en papel impreso.
me leyó el colibrí
en mis palmas sostenido
camino al exterior,
más allá del cubo de cristal,
me lee mi perro
con el tirabuzón de su cola
cada mañana cálida
cuando sale su correa
del cajón junto a la puerta,
me leen las tortugas
si mi mano asoma,
sobre la superficie del agua,
me leen las plantas y los árboles,
los hongos al pie,
las espinas del rosal
a la entrada,
la flor de orquídea,
naranja tímida,
me lee mi hijo
entre risas
a toda hora,
mañana, tarde y noche,
y me leen los muslos
de la mujer amada
cuando me doblo entre ellos
a leer el deseo.


extreme ways are back again
extreme places i didn't know
i broke everything new again
everything that i'd owned
i threw it out the windows, came along
extreme ways i know, will part
the colors of my sea
perfect color me

extreme ways that help me
they help me out late at night
extreme places i had gone
but never seen any light
dirty basements, dirty noise
dirty places coming through
extreme worlds alone
did you ever like it then?

i would stand in line for this
there's always room in life for this

oh baby, oh baby
then it fell apart, it fell apart
oh baby, oh baby
like it always does, always does

extreme sounds have told me
they held me down every night
i didn't have much to say
i didn't give up the light
i closed my eyes and closed myself
and closed my world and never opened
up to anything
that could get me at all

i had to close down everything
i had to close down my mind
too many things could cut me
too much can make me blind
i've seen so much in so many places
so many heartaches, so many faces
so many dirty things
you couldn't even believe

i would stand in line for this
it's always good in life for this

oh baby, oh baby
then it fell apart, it fell apart
oh baby, oh baby
like it always does, always does

moby, "extreme ways"

1 huellas

se dice que en esta fecha y hora: 31/8/08 3:05 p.m., Blogger saddie pisó la duna

esta canción es un bucle en el tiempo.. una de esas casualidades ínfimas que parecen darle sentido a todo por un momento.

por un momento.


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